Tuesday, May 28, 2013

page 12-We all come from the water

I would like to start by saying I have pretty worn out shoes. So I would suggest some clean socks for this brief journey today.

Its almost 5 a.m. and I've been up for 2 hours and I don't look forward to anything that tje day has to bring. In about 30 minutes I'll be waking up the kids to go to the beach today. The only thing keeping me sane is this funny little show The Office. I would think that the enjoyment my children would but a smile on my face, but at the moment its mind numbing television.  Don't get me wrong there lively attitude will rub off and they are the center piece of my life. Its a bittersweet type of day for many reasons. One my old lady wont be around to to create or enjoy this memory. Today is reserved for the men and woman who gave the biggest gift possible on this planet, their right to create and enjoy their own memories. 
We set out to our destination traveling just like the many before us to paradise. The fulfillment in there little hearts spills over infecting like a virus,  slowly working through my body. Our dry virgin feet hit the unforgiving sand as it swallows us even more with every step we take towards our reward.  The birthplace of life, the ocean. Also the gateway to the other side for so many. I can't help but reminded of that day. D day and how many souls never got to experience another sunset ,another laugh, another cheeseburger, another look into there love one's eyes. No one thinks of these thoughts on a daily basis cause we can't. We can't cause life goes on, life regenerates, life procreates , life goes on. We are constantly evolving and digressing. That's why we must live in the present. God listen to me I should take my own advice. To bad that's impossible cause that would make sense.
Another topic I want to touch base briefly is my feelings about my old lady. I'm very torn about them.  Its a long story to tell, but a story I will tell eventually. I think about her everyday. Some good plenty of bad. She has influenced my life for the past decade.  So to detach my brain from this mode seems like an impossible task at the moment or anytime soon. I would go into more detail but my mind is racing so quickly constantly that it is difficult to take it. So instead I jotted this down :

To laugh
To feast
To appear hallow
I'm entertaining you all

To sleep
To hide
To wallow
Protect my eternal soul 

To think 
To feel
To hope
Creating a fool's dream

To bleed 
To give
To swallow
Living a lover's dream

To seek 
To plead
To drown
Is life's session its real sorrow

To mend
To heal
To forgive
Are settings for life's trouble waters

I just want to add that I love and care for my friends and family very much so, even the one's that have wronged me. I will take advantage of my ability to speak, breathe,  and think my thoughts and feelings. In respect to those that have sacrifice there ability to do so.
I'm out of steam and have a pounding headache. Thank you for your time cause its the most precious gift we carry.So please spray the shoes and return them where you found them.I have many steps that await me.Goodnight. 

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