Wednesday, June 26, 2013

page 36-You wouldn't like me when I'm angry

I would like to start by saying I have pretty worn out shoes. So I would suggest some clean socks for this brief journey today.

"Sticks and stones will break our bones, but words will break our hearts..."
- Robert Fulghum

1 a : an animal or plant of abnormal form or structure 
b : one who deviates from normal or acceptable behavior or character
2 : a threatening force
4 : something monstrous; especially : a person of unnatural or extreme ugliness, deformity, wickedness, or cruelty
5 : one that is highly successful

Any of the definitions above would describe the mentally and attuide of my old lady unfortunately. When I first started this blog I was going to talk about all aspects of my life. What is transpiring lately is an ugly chapter in my life. It's not a pleasant time at all. So what I'm about to show you is a battle of the on going war I'm in for my kids. This conversation is about my son being on vacation. Everyone enjoys a good drama,  well you came to the right place.

 Your something else
Old lady:
 What are you talking about you took my son without permission. Now tell me where he is to avoid more charges
 You know where he is,stop playing dumb, its been discuss many a time.
 You think cause that woman beating sob is in your life things are going to get better?
He knows your games. He doesn't want to talk to you. Are you going to press charges on him to for not speaking to you? He is very smart kid trying to enjoy his vacation and you want to screw that up.
Old lady:
 No i said he couldn't go to new york you put him in a truck with god knows who and sent him to ny now you wont tell me where he is.
 You said fine and now that Mr I need classes in order to function in society is back, your putting a show. All your doing is exposing your true self. I told the police when they came on Saturday that he was in new york. Did he need permission to be left by his mother as well?
Old lady:
 Point blank. Tell me the name address and phone number where he is. Or i will press charges. 
 What charges? Taking care of our son please do! He doesn't want to speak to you get the cotton out of your ears.  You can't force him to talk to you all you do is make him cry.
Why do you want to ruin his vacation to cause your doing a hell of a job ruining his life.
You just like threatening people and people are getting tried of it! 
Old lady:
 Me being his mother he is not allowed to go out without my permission. I told you this. Now tell me where he is or it will cause problems not only you but who ever.
A true mother puts their kids happiness before anything else. Why would you want to damper that great smile of his? For real babe, the tears and pain he has carried he deserves this vacation. He is having a blast don't take that away from him He carries a lot on his little heart you have no idea. That sweet boy has buried enough tears time for smiles
Old lady:
  Who has him and who drove him?
 You gave permission its funny how all of the sudden its not you have a very selective memory. I guess me taking you for your word is a grave mistake , I'll never make again. I guess I have to spell it out slowly for people like you. He is with my cousin in new york. Her son and Nathaniel our son in case you forgot his name have tons of fun together. You can't be grateful that people are loving on him and trying to give him the best life possible.
Old lady:
 Full name. Address. Phone number. When he went there when he will be back. Who took him. Who will be bringing him back. 
 So you can call the cops on her I don't think so. unless your paying for his transportation with the child support money your living off. If you can call the cops on me for not picking up the phone of course you would do the same to her. Our son Nathaniel knows that you manipulate situations so it works in your favor. You should learn these 2 words...Thank you you'll be surprise how far it can get you
Old lady: You should learn these two words- Fuck you
Me: I did when you came into my life. I've been fucked over many times. I'm sure fucking is how you keep a roof over your head.
Old lady: Look. I just want to know where my son is and i want to talk to my girls. Other then that stop with your petty text. You will see just wait. 
Me: I know what your up to believe that. Cause unless there's a court order you cant make me do shit bottom line your words are as empty as your soul
Old lady:
 You have to realize you cant do this stuff. Its not ok. I am their mother and i have i right to communicate anytime i please. As far as Nathaniel goes, you need to check yourself once again. You say that you all are trying to give him the best life he can have. You and those people are not his family. I  am and you cant get rid of me no matter how hard you try. I love my kids and will fight tooth and nail for them 
 So will I don't you forgot that! I'm not his father you got balls! So why does he call me daddy for fun? Whose roof has he been under mine! Whose family walked out the door of there own free will not mine! Check your self!! Remember you may bullshit the world ,but you can't bullshit our kids,my actions will speak more than any words I can mustard. I'm done with you I'm wasting my time.
The fall of anything always claims its victims. Change always demands it so.

I'm out of steam and have a pounding headache. Thank you for your time cause its the most precious gift we carry.So please spray the shoes and return them where you found them.I have many steps that await me.Goodnight

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